9/16 Reader Response- My Plan for Writing Process

For my second paper:

  • the final draft are due: 9/30/09
  • peer review sheet and the rough draft are due 9/23/09

I will write my arguement essay on the topic of whether or not parents sould be allowed to monitor their children’s various web accounts, such as email, IM, Myspace/Facebook, etc. I believe that parents should have the right to monitor their kids web accounts, to an extent. If the parents feel that they have good reason for invading their children’s privacy, such as the example of the teens getting drunk before a concert and one of the teens dads getting on her website and deleting the pictures. In that case, the parent had the right to go on and help his daughter.

In order to make my essay the best, I will follow the steps on the ebook. The steps are:

  1. Invention and Research
  2. Planning and Drafting
  3. Critical Reading Guide
  4. Revising
  5. Editing and Proofreading

These five steps will help me make sure my essay is the best it can be. I will think of good arguements to support my side, and also look at the other side of the arguement to learn more about it. I want to make sure that I fully understand what I’m arguing that way I can think of the best ways to support my side. In addition to fully understanding my arguement, I will also review my draft and figure out what is my draft’s strengths, and what are it’s weakness. I will improve on the weakness and use the strengths to repeat them.

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