9/14 Reader Response- Arguements

Good Argument Points

  • sources to back up your arguments
  • factual information to argue about
  • know what you are arguing
  • know why you are arguing
  • give examples to support your idea
  • stories with examples of your argument

Arguing has been around for a long time and most people in the world argue, whether they want to or not. I believe that arguing is just part of human nature. When two or more people disagree on an issue, they tend to argue to either try and get the other person to believe what the arguer believes, or just to get his/her point across. Either way, both are types of arguements and in order to argue effectively, one should have a good idea on what they are arguing.

Some people argue to get a point across, others do it to annoy the other person. In most cases this is called a contadiction. Basically the person just shouts out “No it’s not!” or other variations of that phrase, just to get a rise out of the other person. In the video example from “Monty Python”, the man who was getting paid for an arguement was only contradicting the other man who was paying for the arguement. Everything the guy who was paying would say, the other would just disagree, with no facts or sources to back up his arguement.

When one argues, it is good to keep a few things in mind. The arguer wants to make sure he has sources and facts to back up his arguement. Also he/she needs to know exactly what they are arguing about, and why they are arguing. If you just argue for the sake of arguing, and have no idea what the topic is about, then its pointless to even argue in the first place. When peope argue they need to know effective ways to argue and also know what the topic is about at least somewhat.

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