Archive for August, 2009

This I Believe

Saturday, August 29th, 2009

Similarities within “This I Believe”

  • Stories
  • Life-changing events
  • Situations in stories

This I believe is a book that has all kinds of different essays in it. All of the essays explain a certain person’s belief and how they came upon that belief. An repeating similarity in all of the essays are the stories within the essays. Each of the stories tells of an event that the author had to go through and usually is life changing. In one essay titled: “The Art of Being a Neighbor”, the author was taken out of her comfort zone, which was the city, due to her loss of a job and was then forced to start over in a new town (in the middle of no-where). She survived thanks to the hospitality of her new neighbors. She learned through this experience of how much it matters to be a good neighbor.

Another similarity throughout the essays is the types of situations within each essay. Most of the situations in the stories are ones that are not favorable. Usually it takes a horrible situation for a person to find what his/her true beliefs are. In the essay “In Giving I Connect with Others”, the author’s daughter was very sick and ended up passing away. The author then realized that “you only have what you give”. She not believes that the only way to live a full life is giving to others.

“This I Believe” is a great book and honestly an easy read. I would recommend this book to everyone, especially those who want another outlook on life.

Hello world!

Friday, August 28th, 2009

Welcome to by COBL. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

8/28/09 Blog

Friday, August 28th, 2009

Why is writing important? This is a question that many people ask themselves. For me personally, writing is a way to express one’s-self. Writing is a great way to let others know what we believe and is a great way for communication. Whether it be blogs, letters, e-mail or any other way of writing, we have created many different ways to keep in contact or share our beliefs, and it all comes back to writing.

Writing helps people gain intelligence on their own beliefs and the beliefs of others. You can find out a lot about a person just by reading a blog or letter by them. For a writing teacher, I believe it is a great way to shape the views of those around you. In teaching a writing class it allows that teacher to see other people’s way of writing and maybe improve their own way of writing.

For most kids, writing is boring and not fun. I want to change that. Even for little kids, writing can be loads of fun. Writing will make you smarter, it will get you thinking about different things, and it will also introduce to new people and new ways of writing. I’m glad that schools have kids write because within writing there is a secret to finding one’s-self. Even at a young age, writing is still vitally important.

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