essay 3

October 20th, 2009 by cpalisk

i am most proud of my souces that i have found. im still working on getting it organized the right way.

essay three thesis

October 20th, 2009 by cpalisk

Personal Development Expert, Steve Pavlina, defined the phenomena of procrastination as being due to mainly 8 causes: (1) stress; (2) overwhelm; (3) laziness; (4) lack of motivation; (5) lack of discipline; (6) poor time management habits; (7)lack of skill; and (8) perfectionism(Steve Pavlina, 1).   procrastination research people have written.


October 8th, 2009 by cpalisk

I think my writing has improved minimal but still better then no i imorovment. I can see my grammar has been better and coming up with a thesis, but other then that i need to improve on developing and organizing my papers which has improved a little but is still not very good.


October 8th, 2009 by cpalisk

popular clothing trend.  the main cause is because eveyone else wears it possible clauses of people where the same brand of clothing is everyone else is doing it. It is the most popular and expensive.’


October 1st, 2009 by cpalisk

my audience for essay 2 is the city council of bowling green.  i have explainede 

to the city council ohf the history of bowling green and equality. i could address them directly

gsw rubric

September 24th, 2009 by cpalisk

I felt i was strongest in usage/mechanics but lacked in the area of development and organization

rough draft

September 24th, 2009 by cpalisk

i wanted to do my essay on parking but just couldnt find enough information on it. So i decided to go with thre culture diversity lacking in bg. it was a hard topic for me to topic for me to talk aboput but i found a lot of information.

A lot of it seems unclear to me in the paper just because it was hard to put in words.

two sources

September 24th, 2009 by cpalisk

Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission. “ERASE HATE, BIAS AND VIOLENCE”.<>


“CULTURAL COMPETENCE DEFINITIONS”. <> these two sources help me in writing my paper on previous history of bowling green and how it was formed.

Change in my essay

September 13th, 2009 by cpalisk

i decided to add more details about bowling green football to let the reader know more about the history and also i made sure ill my topic sentences were included in my thesis.  there was a lot more i had to make clear what this fan club or support would do to benefit those non fans of football

I learned that i need to have more details to support my evidence. The thing i will focus on next is coming up with more supporting details.

September 8th, 2009 by cpalisk

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