Archive for October, 2009


Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

being from California traffic is a major part of my life. the overpopulated cities and people everywhere is the story my life. i think i could solve thtat problem if people just wne the speed limit here would be no traffic. another way to solve it would be unpopulate populated areas.

instances of writers based prose

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

im not really sure in my paper.

essay 3

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

i am most proud of my souces that i have found. im still working on getting it organized the right way.

essay three thesis

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

Personal Development Expert, Steve Pavlina, defined the phenomena of procrastination as being due to mainly 8 causes: (1) stress; (2) overwhelm; (3) laziness; (4) lack of motivation; (5) lack of discipline; (6) poor time management habits; (7)lack of skill; and (8) perfectionism(Steve Pavlina, 1).   procrastination research people have written.


Thursday, October 8th, 2009

I think my writing has improved minimal but still better then no i imorovment. I can see my grammar has been better and coming up with a thesis, but other then that i need to improve on developing and organizing my papers which has improved a little but is still not very good.


Thursday, October 8th, 2009

popular clothing trend.  the main cause is because eveyone else wears it possible clauses of people where the same brand of clothing is everyone else is doing it. It is the most popular and expensive.’


Thursday, October 1st, 2009

my audience for essay 2 is the city council of bowling green.  i have explainede 

to the city council ohf the history of bowling green and equality. i could address them directly

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