Who is the Audience

October 1st, 2009 by corywo

The audience who i am trying to connect with in essay two is the Bowling Green City Council. I think that i have met most of the audiences needs in my essay. I think in some parts of my essay i get a little condesending to my audience but not to badly

Questions on paper.

September 23rd, 2009 by corywo

One question i have is how I am going to be able to incorperate my websites into the essay. Then another question is my positon a viable one.

Source choices

September 23rd, 2009 by corywo

For my second essay I choose 2 different sources. One of them was a website with the bus schedules on it. The second one is a page that has a full BGSU map on it. The map allows me to find suitable parking locations for my argument and the bus schedule allowed me to make better revisions for the essay and allow me to make a argument how that does not help the student parking situation.

Essay 1 afterthoughts

September 23rd, 2009 by corywo

what i liked most about essay one was the part where I was allowed to write a essay about something that I wanted to do and create my own club. If i had more time to work on the essay I would just try and make sure everything in the essay worked together and was coherant

Order of Essay

September 15th, 2009 by corywo

In my essay I decided to not really change the order of my essay but I did break it up into more specific examples and created new paragraphs to make it work better. So the order of my essay was slightly changed but not changed too bably

Peer review

September 8th, 2009 by corywo

I learned alot from the peer review. On my paper I have a new way to keep my ideas together also not to repeat myself as much in my paper. I plan next time to be more specific in my ideas and to bring my ideas together better and connect more

First essay

September 8th, 2009 by corywo

What I like most about the first draft is that its the first draft and I have room to make some mistakes on the paper. But also my main concerns on the paper is making to many mistakes and alot of them.

Student organinzation

September 8th, 2009 by corywo

I plan on creating a soccer club that goes around campus and supports the local soccer clubs and college team and has many supporting chapters throughout ohio

If i could fly or be invisible

September 8th, 2009 by corywo

If I could either fly or be invisible I would fly because if i could fly i would no longer have to pay for parking or buy cars and make car payments and it would be easier to get around

2 favorite prewriting points

September 1st, 2009 by corywo

My two favorite prewriting strategies are freewriting and idea trees

i like the idea tree because it allows me to make connections between me ideas and to properly makes points that i can jump off on in my paper. My other favorite is freewritng. I like freewriting because it allows me to quickly and easily find ideas that i can write about for my paper. It also creates a stressfree working strategy that is easy for me to use and it takes very little effort to complete them

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