Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Easier in new essays

Thursday, November 12th, 2009

I think that i have become more adept at beginning my essay like thesis and the introduction in Essay 4. I feel that it flows better and mixes better then it did before


Thursday, November 12th, 2009

In my essay i think that i could use smoother transitions when i start a new paragraph and new points

Thesis for Essay 4

Sunday, November 8th, 2009

All of these are easy to fix solutions that are simple in their idea and even simpler to implement. These ideas are only a few strategies and ideas that could be used to solve the BGSU parking problem

Zombie Plan

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

If our zombie plan was presented to the majority of the student body I do not think that the plan would work or be recieved by the student body. First because their is not enough planes for everyone to travel in and Second this plan will only work if a few people know about it. I would not tell the student body my plan because it is our plan and I dont want anyone else to know of it

Problem with the World

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

In the my local area a problem that I am extremely interested in solving is the problem with the distance to and from the parking lot at BGSU. This is important because it the parking lot is really far away and is a big problem. We might solve it by building closer parking lots or by allowing students to park closer in closer lots

Rough draft pride

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

what I am most proud of in my rough draft is the part is all the examples i have for my paper. What i am least proud of in my rough draft is the conclusion of the paper

Thesis Statement

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

The Facebook game of Farmville is one that has swept the nation and is a game that has thousands if not millions of people playing it every day it is a trend that has risen out of the Facebook world and has swept the nation. here is my working thesis

Writing Improvement

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

I think that my academic writing has moderitly improved since the beginning of this year. Some improvements that I have seen is the organization of my writing and grammer and spelling. I would like to improve more on the usage of larger words and have even better organization in my writing.


Thursday, October 1st, 2009

A trend that interests me is the facebook trend. It really interest me because it allows me to talk with my friends who are really far away for free. Some causes for this trend is how easily people can talk to friends and realatives anywhere in the country and how people can post pictures of themselves on it for people to look at. I think the part of being able to talk to people anywhere in the country is the main reason for people to enjoy facebook so much.

The 5 Categories

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

The category that i feel the strongest in is the audience category. I feel that i can easily talk to for example the city council with pretty good success because i have always been good in front of a older audience. The category that i am my weakest at is the category where i support my essay. The support details has always been my problem with most of my essays.

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