Reader Response 9/4/09

In my essay of “This I Believe,” I realize after peer editing, that some of the topics I talk about really just skim the surface of the point I’m trying to get across. To furthermore edit my essay, I am going to go into more detail of how I actually felt and the things I gained that developed my belief. I think that some topics in my story may seem not as important as others, so I’m going to cut out the unnecessary sentences.
As to specific things I’m going to change in my essay, I am going to try and use as many transitional expressions as possible. After looking over my paper, I noticed that I tend to start of my sentences with the words “I,” “My,” and “It.” In addition I am going to take a closer look at my paragraph unity so I know that my story is in sequence and coherent to what I am writing about. The last thing I will keep a close eye on is my punctuation and grammar. I am not the best with punctuation, as you may know, so I am going to do my best to correct them all. Nevertheless, when I use all of these skills to finalize my essay, I believe my essay will be as real, yet professional, as I can make it.

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