Last week me and my group continued on working on making the swim up bar. I seached some more for some water and even googled how to make/get water in second life, but i really didn’t find anything helpful. I also went to a few shops in SL that said they had water or water textures, but i couldn’t find any that were free. Anyways, after that we tried to figure out how to build the bar, what it should look like, and how to place it in the pool. We had lower and flatten land and I started to build the bar, or at least a representation of it, to see how it would work. The land feature is alittle hard to use, but I think we got it down. Anyways, I didn;t interact with anyone on SL expect my group members, we were just trying to solve problems in dealing wiht placement of the bar in realition to the pool and the hut we had sitting there. It took alot of critial thinking. This bar should be cool though when it is done. Im excited to drink a beer at it.