About Ginnette

I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in Technology Spring 2010. I am the Payroll Administrator for an engineering and technical services firm called Sierra Lobo, Inc. We subcontract to the Department of Defense, NASA, US Army, etc. The corporate office is in Fremont, OH but we have locations in Alabama (we have an office in Huntsville at Redstone Arsonal), California, Florida, Texas and Virgina as well as Ohio. I stay pretty busy in my job to ensure my department of eight stays compliant with Federal regulations. As all of my staff is located across the country, we meet virtually each month to touch base and connect with each other. I successfully implemented a new payroll software in the first year at my job and I am always busy writing training modules for the staff to ensure our processes are standard and efficient. In addition, I am the board chair of the Spina Bifida Association of Northwest Ohio. I work to lead the board to sucess and ensure the viability of the group for the sake of our consitiuents. I am also an officer of many other nonprofit groups. Growing up as an army brat, I love to travel, but don’t get to as often as I’d like. Maybe the skills I learn in my journey through the graduate program will open those doors for me.

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