Reading Response 9/18

I have decided to write on the second prompt, which discusses whether parents should have access to their  teens online accounts or not. The reason I chose this prompt is because I think that this is an issue that every family in society today struggles with.  It is such a common debate that almost everyone who uses technolody is aware of. My belief is that parents should be able to monitor their teenagers online accounts. The main reason I support this statement is because teenagers do not fully understand the risks and dangers of being on the internet, and are oblivious to the variation of ways they are “putting theirself out there” for anyone to see. If their parents are monitoring their web accounts, they will have the opportunity to be shown what they are doing wrong, as well as what they can (and should) do to put themselves in a safer situation. Teenagers are struggling with the changes in their adolescent lives, and can be rebellious in most cases. Being able to explore the internet feels like a freedom for them because they can act however they want rather than the way they act in front of their parents, teachers, etc. One example of this is how some teens post nude images of themselves online. By doing this, they are putting themselves in great danger. What the teens do not know is that anyone can view that image, not just the people they are sending it to. The teen might harmed by bullies if they see the image, or even worse physically harmed by a sex offender.  It is very important that parents monitor their teenagers online accounts because not only will it keep them out of trouble, but more importantly it could keep them from getting harmed in either verbal or physical ways.

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