Claiborne’s Reading Response 9/14


                The main point that I learned from the video clips was that arguments are completely different than contradictions. An argument is an attempt to persuade someone to see a better, different perspective. The purpose of an argument is to make something clear, or to make a point. An argument can be defined as a disagreement or opposition. They are, or should be, supported with a variety of reasons or statements. These statements should be debateable and able to uplift a thorough discussion. An argument should be persuasive to urge the audience to choose that side of the argument. Also, arguments should have a main point or thesis that is clear to the audience. On the other hand, a contradiction consists of two simple statements that cannot both be agreed upon without being hypocritical. Also, a contradiction isn’t being fought over, but is rather choosing one statement over another. Contradiction could be defined as an assertion of the opposite or contrary. When two statements are being contradicted, one of the statements must reject atleast one of the supporting reasons of the other statement. In other words, the two statements are viewed as being incompatible. Overall, what I learned from watching the video clips is that an argument is a discourse while a contradiction does not require a discourse.



– statistics

– examples


– definition

– address the counterargument

                It is important to support an argument because any extra information helps to strengthen the credibility of a claim. When someone supports an argument by using a comparisson, they are able to directly show why their side of the argument is better than the other side. A crucial way people should support their arguments is by appealing to the audience because you can refer to their needs, values, or concerns. This is important because it will get the audience to support your side of the argument. It was also cause them to take interest in your side of the argument and perhaps go against the other side of the argument. Another way supports in arguments are effective is the way they address the counterargument. By addressing the counterargument you are able to acknowledge the opposing statements and explain why your statements are stronger and more factual. This also gives you the opportunity to demonstrate the weak supports on the counterargument. By using examples to support your argument, you are able to give your statement more credibility. Whether the examples are hypothetical or real, they allow the audience to connect with your argument because they can refer to the people or events that you demonstrated. Supports are needed when an argument may not appear stable or factual. By adding support or reason, you are able to show why the statement is true, perhaps by using facts or examples.

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