Reader Response 9/18

The prompt that I chose was the third one. This prompt is about the content that is displayed on the internet and whether it should be filtered or not. The reason I chose this prompt is because after watching the Growing-Up Online documentary I did not agree with the fact that there were websites praising anorexia or teaching people how to kill themselves. There was also one about the best way to commit suicide. I thought that was just ridiculous and things like that should not be allowed to even be on the internet. I understand that the internet provides information for everyone and everything but some information is just unnecessary and dangerous. The position I am taking is that I believe some information should be filtered. The way I plan to get my opinion on this issue across is to make sure that I include enough information to back my opinion. I also plan to make sure I have at least one counterargument. I also want to try and make people think more about this issue. That does not mean I am trying to persuade them to agree with me but to at least make them think more about the content that is accessible to anyone including children. Some may argue that some websites have age limits but I think that I am prepared to refute this particular opposition. The audience that I think my essay would make the most impact on or affect the most would be an older one; especially people who have young children.

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