Essay 4 topics

Maybe the flu but i’m already writing a paper on that so i’m unsure, probably some sort of health issue. A topic that will help me write a goood paper.

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Writer’s Prose.

I am so confused on where to do this, I have as much info on it that i can but i can’t do anymore.


Workin Essay

I am most proud of my trend because it’s very popular and well known.

I am struggling with information, there is only so much you can do to avoid the flu.


Essay 3 Thesis

My thesis as of today for essay 3 is:  A trend that is affecting us college students is the flu because we are being constantly reminded about the H1N1 virus and wanting all of us to get the vaccine, students don’t take the precautions when its flu season and we are surrounded by germs on the college campus.



I think my writing has had a huge increase, I feel as though I can better support my details and come up with better thesis’s. I can see that I don’t focus so much on writing bologna to make a paper a certian length, I write to full express my ideas. I would like to improve on my focus for papers, sometimes I can get a little side tracked with my ideas.

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Trends that interest  me are fashion. I love to see the new stuff and find new clothes to wear. Its my main one because its always changing, there is always something new.

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My strongest catergory would be audience an word choice and mechanics.

My weakest catergory is Development, Supporting Details and Sources.



I am concerned mainly about passing this paper, I really hope that I do well. Also I am having a hard time finding sources to defend my topic and worried that if my topic of BG having more development would even be a good topic to write about.



The only souce that I have right now is stats from the BGSU crime reports, I’m not sure where else to look for these?



changes in organization

I need to expand one paragraph and then go over my supporting details. I also need to make sure my essay makes sense and I’m not just jumping around with random topics.

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