Archive for September, 2009


My strongest catergory would be audience an word choice and mechanics. My weakest catergory is Development, Supporting Details and Sources.



I am concerned mainly about passing this paper, I really hope that I do well. Also I am having a hard time finding sources to defend my topic and worried that if my topic of BG having more development would even be a good topic to write about.



The only souce that I have right now is stats from the BGSU crime reports, I’m not sure where else to look for these? 1.


changes in organization

I need to expand one paragraph and then go over my supporting details. I also need to make sure my essay makes sense and I’m not just jumping around with random topics.

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Learned from peer revising

I learned how to change different words to make them sound better. I learned how I don’t always catch my mistakes. Helps me learn how make better topic sentences, or changes into my new paragraphs. I will now focus on revising the little mistakes i made and making my draft better.


Two writing styles

For my pre-writing I used the GSW portfolio & made an organized list.



The topic for my paper is intramurals.

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