Charity Seville’s GSW
Another amazing bgsu blog
Reader Response
Posted on August 30th, 2009 at 6:20 pm by and

-They start out somewhat somber (essay 11- death of daughter)

– They make you feel more turned on to topics you normally would not be (essay 24- made science/math more appealing)

– Makes you value what you have (Isabel Allende- daughter who had little, but still loved every minute of what she had)

– Authors of different races, genders, social classes (Jackie Robinson, Brian Greene, Isabel Allende)

 The goals of a This I Believe essay are somewhat hidden beneath a deeper meaning in each of the passages. They are to let the reader hear about their personal struggles and try to let them know what it means to value something. Many of the authors value something that most of us would take for granted, or over-look in our everyday life. In one way they try to relay a message to us that will maybe help us to value something just as much as they do. In another sense, I feel as if they are trying to teach a lesson about finding something to value. Altogether, the goals of a This I Believe essay focus on teaching the audience about finding something to value and explaining to them how much it means to have something to value no matter how small or large it is. If you find something to believe in, then your life will mean just a little bit more to yourself.

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