Helpful Hints

April 10, 2011

Hints come in handy regarding pretty much anything, therefore I have searched the web to find helpful hints, good for all lifestyles.


Depending on your preference, you can either make one yourself in a Microsoft Word or Excel document or use one from the web. I found a great checklist that you can print off and stick on your fridge, or somewhere in your house that you will see quite a bit. If you choose to make your checklist, you can base your categories on personal preference and what your specific house/apartment needs.

A checklist is also good if you have children or room mates. This way the different tasks can be designated to each person, and they will know which task they need to complete.


Another great website that has 30 different helpful tips and checklists.

Get rid of:

Super glue stains by using acetone nail polish remover and let it soak on the stain.

Scuff marks by using mayonnaise.

Red wine stains by BLOTTING, not rubbing, white wine or club soda.

Be sure to take the cleaning tips you learn with you from your home to your office, or your car, or anything else that deserves an organized space 🙂

Car tips:

When at a gas station, use the wasted time that it takes to fill up your gas tank to gather garbage form your car and expose of it in the trash cans located near the pump.

Vacuum out your car at least once every two months, it will help prevent bad odors as well as keep your car looking so fresh and so clean.

Getting your car washed on a pretty regular basis will keep the paint fresh and prevent and potential moldings.

Office tips:

It is much easier to focus in a clean environment, so spending an extra five minutes at the end of your day will allow you to come to work the next morning to an inviting work space.

A presentable office space makes a positive impression on your co workers.
Take and use these hints and hit the road, JACK.




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