Academic Honesty

Here is my take on Academic Honesty

  • Plagiarism = BAD!!!
    • Why is plagiaism bad some may ask, and I say because IT IS STEALING!
    • Yes, stealing!  Taking credit for someones hard work and ideas without giving them the rightful credit that they deserve is stealing!
    • Paraphrasing someone’s work and not giving credit for it is also stealing…so when you paraphrase something, like a specific account of a story you must CITE!!!
  • Ah what next, Oh this is a big one!!  Assisting in Academic Dishonesty
    • Assisting in Academic Dishonesty can be doing things such as
      • Giving someone a paper that you have written to be turned is as theirs, straight up correcting someone’s work, assisting someone in an act of academic dishonesty (As in doing something that you know you should not do, when you know that other people ARE NOT doing it)
  • Bribery
    • Bribery is when you offer someone gifts/money in order to get a better grade on something. 
    • This is for those people having that teeny tiny thought go through their head that they could make someone take a bribe—Think again!  Attempting to bribe someone is insane…think of the consequences (getting kicked out of college is a big one!)  So just don’t do it, talk to your instructor about extra credit or something – make the grade, the RIGHT way
  • Fabrication
    • The act of creating false citations, data, statistics, information, etc. 
    • When you get something from a source CITE IT!  Do not, and I repeat, Do NOT falsify information.  Number one, it will make you look ridiculous and number two you will probably fail.  Two pretty good reasons not to fabricate info yes?
  • Forgery
    • Ok, now this is bad – this is a federal offense, a  great reason never to forge something, right? Right.
    • Forgery is the act of signing someone else’s name on a document or doing something else of that nature
    • Well, let’s analyze the words that make up such a powerful combo: 
      •  Honesty – ok, this means being trustworthy, credible, etc.
      • Academic – scholarly, education=school=college!!, trying to better yourself through learning…
    • So what does our combo mean?  It means to be trustworty while trying to better yourself in school – Amen to that
  • A Final Note:
    • First of all, cite resources… 
      • Direct quotations
      • Paraphrased material
      • a phrase used in the material that is specific jargon
        • Citing may seem like a hassle but in reality it makes you a more credible author.  Remember no one knows everything!

And this pretty much wraps my summary up!!  🙂  great success

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