Archive for September, 2009

Academic Honesty

Here is my take on Academic Honesty Plagiarism = BAD!!! Why is plagiaism bad some may ask, and I say because IT IS STEALING! Yes, stealing!  Taking credit for someones hard work and ideas without giving them the rightful credit that they deserve is stealing! Paraphrasing someone’s work and not giving credit for it is […]


I remember my senior year of high school perfectly.  It was based around senior projects, portfolios, prom, and turning 18.  The most important of these was turning 18.  Turning 18 marked the time for independence, the time to break free of parents and to be yourself.  That year I heard so many stories hinging on becoming an […]

9/16 Reader Response

First things first I have to choose a writing prompt, which I have done.  I have chosen to write about parent’s right to have unlimited access to their child’s personal website.  I chose this issue because it is actually very close to me and I feel that I can do a good job in convincing […]

9/14 Reader Response

Here is a list that gives some useful supports that can be utilized in an argumentative paper: -Data/Statistics:  In the story “Working at McDonalds” Etzioni gives many statistics to support her argument that McDonald’s doesn’t improve teenagers lives.  Also in the story “Children Need to Play…” the author gives statistics that prove the detrimental effect […]

Revision Strategy:

The one revision guide strategy I picked was “Is enough information included so the topic is clear to the reader?”  I chose this because I know that some of my essay isn’t as clear as I thought it was.  I think that I should definitely include more information about Challenge Day in my essay to […]

9/4 Reader Response

In my peer review I was told of a few things that would probably make my essay better.  I have taken these things into consideration and here are just a few things that I think that I should probably revise.  I would like to elevate my vocabulary, as Charity suggested, as well as make my […]