First Blog EVER! 8-28-09

Writing is extremely important.  It is a way to communicate to the world what you are feeling or just your ideas.  It’s open space for communication.  It also allows you to express yourself, your thoughts, your inspirations, maybe your aspirations.  I love to write!!!  It’s kind of like a release, you know like if you write in a diary?  It’s just amazing. 🙂  Me gusta mucho…

Writing inspires me.  It inspires me to learn new things, such as when I do research for a research paper.  It inspires me to be more creative, in my short stories.  It inspires me to really let go of my inhibitions and just write… It’s almost like therapy… even though I’ve never had therapy haha… but it’s therapeutic.

I would tell my 10 year old child that writing is important because it is always different.  Kids get bored easily but with writing they shouldn’t ever be bored.  Every time that you pick up that pencil or type on the keyboard your writing is a little different.

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