Secondlife explorations on 9/10
bryanp | September 15, 2008I began my secondlife exploration in the place I last left myself during class. I was in a pool of water with no one else in the surrounding room with me. After teleporting to a few different places I got the urge to go shopping to see if I could find anything interesting to do with my avatar. After floating around to a couple of places I found myself at a shopping mall that sold exclusively all free stuff. I was a bit baffled on the ideal that it was called a shopping mall with all the items there free but I quickly let it go being that this is secondlife Im experiencing here. My first instinct was to grab and purchase any and everything i could, heck, everything is free so i dosent matter. After grabbing several vehicle, clothing, and food packages, I stubbled or floated across a box that contained several guns. I was disiappointed considering I couldnt find out how to use them. I was later satisfied when I found a batman avatar to replace the bland general one I had at default.