Unit 1

What Makes A Good Story?

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on What Makes A Good Story?

You are all writing your This I Believe essays which means that many of you are writing a story for the first time.  Each of us has an idea about what makes a “good” story or an interesting story.  Below is a list of criteria from class that you all came up with and should keep in mind as you revise your first essays.

A good essay:

  • Is detailed.
  • Thinks about audience needs/audience can relate to.
  • Is descriptive.
  • Has plot/character development.
  • Uses sensory details.
  • Gets the readers’ attention.
  • Demonstrates “flow” (cohesiveness).

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8/28 In Class Audience Blog

Friday, August 28th, 2009 | Uncategorized | Comments Off on 8/28 In Class Audience Blog

  • Based on your readings for today, your own beliefs, and your own experiences, spend 2 minutes writing an brief statement about why writing is important. When you are done, sit silently for everyone else to finish.
  • Based on your readings for today, your own beliefs, and your own experiences, spend 2 minutes writing an brief statement about why writing is important. When you are done, sit silently for everyone else to finish.
  • Again, in the same blog post, spend the next 2 minutes thinking about how you would convince your 10 year old child why writing is important.

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