9/16 Reader Response

One thing that I learned from the video, other than I do not find British humor that funny, was that arguments are and should be based more on giving specific reasons to make your point stronger.  It is not about how much power one person may have in the world but rather the points they make and if they are able to back them up.  In order for the “arguer” (if that is a word) to make a solid point to convince people, they will need to back up their information with multiple sources or support.









All of these things are key ingredients to having and making a solid argument.  They help you when forming an argument to allow you to make stronger points. Using research allows you to pull up more and more valuable information when making your case and this makes it so you can present your argument to a bigger variety of audiences.  Using quotes from different sources makes your statement more credible because it shows that your point of view is seen by others and maybe by someone of higher importance.  I think that being able to have a counterargument is one of the most important things to having a good argument.  It allows you to see both sides of the tape and adds strength and input to your point of view

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