Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Academic Honesty

Sunday, September 27th, 2009

Academic Honesty is something that I think all students should strive for while they are in school.  It is not worth cheating on a paper and getting kicked out of school for it.  I think its a great feeling when you don’t cheat and still end up with a great mark, rather than if someone were to cheat and eventually realize they didn’t earn that mark at all.  Also, I think students should look into academic honesty to make sure they are not cheating without realizing it.  Like plagiarism, sometimes you do not know if you are stealing someone elses idea or forget to cite their name to your paper.  If we learn to figure out what is academically dishonest, we will have a better chance of staying away from trouble.  Students with integrity are consistent in what they do, and being academically honest is a great way of having great integrity.

Argument Essay

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

Possible thesis-No matter what teens may think, the dangers on the Internet, the people that could potentially harm them, and the abuse they might give or receive is why parents should be allowed to access their children’s Internet accounts.

I am going to write about the argument of parents being able to access teen’s Internet accounts vrs teens being allowed to keep everything to themselves without parent interference.  I chose this promp because the other promps didn’t really interest me.  This one is a good one for me because most teens who would choose this would pick the side that opposes parents accessing to children’s Internet.  It’s the complete opposite for me.  My parents did it to me and I think it was a good thing, it kept me out of stuff I should’nt of been in.  If they don’t access what you are doing online, potential dangers could arise to the teens if they do something they should’nt of. I plan on discussing the argument of why they really should and what it could do to help the teens in the longrun.  Also, I think it keeps the kids out of trouble.  They could be bullying others online, getting bulleyed, looking at websites they shouldn’t be looking at, etc.  If they do it once, the parents can find out and put a stop to it.  Teens will get might mad when they’re parents gain access to their accounts, but I think it truly would benefit them.  It sure has for me, they taught me what I can and what I can’t get myself into.

Movie Response Part 1

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

A Focused Presentation of the issue-our movie about the Internet and what kids are doing on it is a focused issue.  The movie portrays both sides of the issue from the adults world of it and the kids world.  It doesn’t go from talking about the internet to a random thing, it is clearly focused on how the Internet is affecting our society.

A Clear Position-the movie shows how adults and kids each have different opinions about the Internet, some agreeing with each other and some disagreeing.  It captures both sides of the story and making the audiences think about what they are watching.

Plausible Reasons and Convincing Support-when asked for their opinions, the adults and kids each present their reasons why they think the Internet is good or bad.  Along with that, others present compromises on what they think could benefit both sides.  The convincing support is offered from past stories they have told or experienced through the Internet.

Anticipating Opposing Positions and Objections-the movie does this well, after they might of interviewed an adult about what they think about the Internet, they went and interviewed a kid who they figured would disagree about the adult’s statement.  By showing both sides of the story, the movie is giving us a wider range of viewing of the Internet and the people’s opinions.

Argument Part 2

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009


From the Kids need to play article, the author gives us quotes from others explaining why they also think sports at a young age hurt the children physically and psychologically.

Personal experiences give us reasons to believe and support sides of arguments, like the Mcdonald’s worker saying it is a bad thing overall.

Simply saying how you feel, like Obama explaining his notions are not to allow illegal immigrants to become citizens and killing off the senior citizens.

Providing supporting examples and proof of why things should be a certain way rather than the other

Part 2

We use various different types of supports in argument to give as many different perspectives as possible to convince others to support it.  This gives the people who you are trying to get to support it a viewpoint of your argument and could either turn them away or turn them on to support it.  Everyone has their own opinion about all kinds of things, and if people are undecided about an issue, presenting all kinds of perspectives can win them over.  An example of when they’re needed is a candidate for the presidential election.  The candidate presents key issues on what they will try to accomplish, and they do this to win voters over the other candidates.  Argument happens everyday and will never end.  These kind of supports for arguments are only a few of the possible ways to start, win, or lose a certain argument.

Argument Part 1

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Argument is when two or more opposing sides disagree with one another on certain issues.  Each presents their opinions and will try to win the argument based on what they think is the right thing.  From the videos, I found that what is acceptable is simply stating what your opinion is on an issue.  If the opposing side refuses to listen and makes accusations though, that sometimes isn’t acceptable.  When Obama was yelled at,”You lie,” everyone in the room could not believe a terrible comment would be made like that.  If the man simply would of listened to what he had to say and make no comment on it, then it would of been acceptable.  Argument happens everyday in the world, and there really is no right or wrong, its about convincing others that your side of the argument is more convincing than the other.  Contradiction though, is simply saying the opposite of the other opinion without stating any reasons at all.  Overall, giving facts and statements opposing another opinion brings argument, and it can be acceptable to listen or unacceptable to make rude comments that might not even be true.

Revision Strategy

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

I plan to focus my revision strategy by letting the draft cool off for several hours after I revise it, then look at it with fresh eyes.  I think by forgetting about it for a couple hours and coming back to it with a fresh mind, everything will become more clear to me as I see what I did in revision.


Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

After writing my first draft, self editing, and receiving a peer edit feedback, I feel pretty good about revising my essay.  I now know what I need to fix, but I also know what I did well.  From the peer edit, I received some comments about repetitiveness and some negative details about my believe.  By fixing this I plan on revising these into different words and talk more about positive details.  I think by mentioning a bad memory and a good memory that formed my believe, I will be able to show readers both sides of my story.  Also, I now know from the peer editing what the readers think of the story, and now I can fix it to make it better.

By learning In class, I now realize that I will be writing even more after the first draft.  Even though its already written, the writing process suggests to write again and add details, and that is what I will be doing.  I think it will make my essay more clear to the readers and present itself better.  Overall, I think my first draft turned out pretty good, it just needs to be cleaned up a bit, just like any other first draft.  Hopefully my next draft is alot cleaner and presents better details than the first


Friday, August 28th, 2009

Writing is important to me for two reasons.  First, I believe being a successful writer helps you find jobs, communicate with family, friends, and co-workers, and expresses yourself in a way that can only be seen in words.  Secondly, I believe it’s important to know how to write in school in order to show others you can truly write a good essay on a certain topic.

We are here to improve our education, and I think writing is one of the main activities needed in order to improve.  This is getting us ready for the real world, and writing the way we are expected to write will help us.  If we want the career we are going to college for, we will need to know how to write.

I would tell my ten-year old child about the experiences that I’ve gone through in school and make sure to mention on the importance of writing.  Essays, job-interviews, etc. all require a skill in writing, and you have to know what you are doing in order to be successful.  Honestly I don’t think I would be preaching to my ten-year old just yet about it, but later on in life I would make sure to inform them what experiences I’ve done.

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