Argument Essay

Possible thesis-No matter what teens may think, the dangers on the Internet, the people that could potentially harm them, and the abuse they might give or receive is why parents should be allowed to access their children’s Internet accounts.

I am going to write about the argument of parents being able to access teen’s Internet accounts vrs teens being allowed to keep everything to themselves without parent interference.  I chose this promp because the other promps didn’t really interest me.  This one is a good one for me because most teens who would choose this would pick the side that opposes parents accessing to children’s Internet.  It’s the complete opposite for me.  My parents did it to me and I think it was a good thing, it kept me out of stuff I should’nt of been in.  If they don’t access what you are doing online, potential dangers could arise to the teens if they do something they should’nt of. I plan on discussing the argument of why they really should and what it could do to help the teens in the longrun.  Also, I think it keeps the kids out of trouble.  They could be bullying others online, getting bulleyed, looking at websites they shouldn’t be looking at, etc.  If they do it once, the parents can find out and put a stop to it.  Teens will get might mad when they’re parents gain access to their accounts, but I think it truly would benefit them.  It sure has for me, they taught me what I can and what I can’t get myself into.

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