Movie Response Part 1

A Focused Presentation of the issue-our movie about the Internet and what kids are doing on it is a focused issue.  The movie portrays both sides of the issue from the adults world of it and the kids world.  It doesn’t go from talking about the internet to a random thing, it is clearly focused on how the Internet is affecting our society.

A Clear Position-the movie shows how adults and kids each have different opinions about the Internet, some agreeing with each other and some disagreeing.  It captures both sides of the story and making the audiences think about what they are watching.

Plausible Reasons and Convincing Support-when asked for their opinions, the adults and kids each present their reasons why they think the Internet is good or bad.  Along with that, others present compromises on what they think could benefit both sides.  The convincing support is offered from past stories they have told or experienced through the Internet.

Anticipating Opposing Positions and Objections-the movie does this well, after they might of interviewed an adult about what they think about the Internet, they went and interviewed a kid who they figured would disagree about the adult’s statement.  By showing both sides of the story, the movie is giving us a wider range of viewing of the Internet and the people’s opinions.

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