Argument Part 2


From the Kids need to play article, the author gives us quotes from others explaining why they also think sports at a young age hurt the children physically and psychologically.

Personal experiences give us reasons to believe and support sides of arguments, like the Mcdonald’s worker saying it is a bad thing overall.

Simply saying how you feel, like Obama explaining his notions are not to allow illegal immigrants to become citizens and killing off the senior citizens.

Providing supporting examples and proof of why things should be a certain way rather than the other

Part 2

We use various different types of supports in argument to give as many different perspectives as possible to convince others to support it.  This gives the people who you are trying to get to support it a viewpoint of your argument and could either turn them away or turn them on to support it.  Everyone has their own opinion about all kinds of things, and if people are undecided about an issue, presenting all kinds of perspectives can win them over.  An example of when they’re needed is a candidate for the presidential election.  The candidate presents key issues on what they will try to accomplish, and they do this to win voters over the other candidates.  Argument happens everyday and will never end.  These kind of supports for arguments are only a few of the possible ways to start, win, or lose a certain argument.

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