Argument Part 1

Argument is when two or more opposing sides disagree with one another on certain issues.  Each presents their opinions and will try to win the argument based on what they think is the right thing.  From the videos, I found that what is acceptable is simply stating what your opinion is on an issue.  If the opposing side refuses to listen and makes accusations though, that sometimes isn’t acceptable.  When Obama was yelled at,”You lie,” everyone in the room could not believe a terrible comment would be made like that.  If the man simply would of listened to what he had to say and make no comment on it, then it would of been acceptable.  Argument happens everyday in the world, and there really is no right or wrong, its about convincing others that your side of the argument is more convincing than the other.  Contradiction though, is simply saying the opposite of the other opinion without stating any reasons at all.  Overall, giving facts and statements opposing another opinion brings argument, and it can be acceptable to listen or unacceptable to make rude comments that might not even be true.

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