
After writing my first draft, self editing, and receiving a peer edit feedback, I feel pretty good about revising my essay.  I now know what I need to fix, but I also know what I did well.  From the peer edit, I received some comments about repetitiveness and some negative details about my believe.  By fixing this I plan on revising these into different words and talk more about positive details.  I think by mentioning a bad memory and a good memory that formed my believe, I will be able to show readers both sides of my story.  Also, I now know from the peer editing what the readers think of the story, and now I can fix it to make it better.

By learning In class, I now realize that I will be writing even more after the first draft.  Even though its already written, the writing process suggests to write again and add details, and that is what I will be doing.  I think it will make my essay more clear to the readers and present itself better.  Overall, I think my first draft turned out pretty good, it just needs to be cleaned up a bit, just like any other first draft.  Hopefully my next draft is alot cleaner and presents better details than the first

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