Archive for August, 2009


Friday, August 28th, 2009

Writing is important to me for two reasons.  First, I believe being a successful writer helps you find jobs, communicate with family, friends, and co-workers, and expresses yourself in a way that can only be seen in words.  Secondly, I believe it’s important to know how to write in school in order to show others you can truly write a good essay on a certain topic.

We are here to improve our education, and I think writing is one of the main activities needed in order to improve.  This is getting us ready for the real world, and writing the way we are expected to write will help us.  If we want the career we are going to college for, we will need to know how to write.

I would tell my ten-year old child about the experiences that I’ve gone through in school and make sure to mention on the importance of writing.  Essays, job-interviews, etc. all require a skill in writing, and you have to know what you are doing in order to be successful.  Honestly I don’t think I would be preaching to my ten-year old just yet about it, but later on in life I would make sure to inform them what experiences I’ve done.

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