Archive for November, 2007

Sneak Peak of James Blunt on Sesame Street (You Tube)

[Our Introduction to Composition professor watches a lot of Sesame Street with his young daughter and constantly references this version of James Blunt’s “You’re Beautiful”. A good adaptation intended to teach kids about triangles, but nowhere near as hilarious as the “My Cubicle” parody. BK]

category: Humor, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics, Television    

Rejection [Rhetoric Society of America] (Discourse Chronicle)

Dear colleague, I am sorry to report that our program committee has been unable to offer your proposal, “Superman Blue: Convention, Innovation, and Longevity”, reference 0203, a place on the RSA 2008 program. Competition for program space was unusually fierce because this year’s RSA conference has attracted unusual interest. You should know that only in […]

category: Life, Rejections, Rhetoric and Poetics    

Thanksgiving in Bowling Green (Discourse Chronicle)

[Thanksgiving is always a bittersweet holiday for me. I am always away from my family because travel is expensive and how much time finishing a semester requires from me. Luckily, my parents value education and understands about its demands, but I feel a little bad because family is important to me and I cannot be […]

category: Life    

Man uses Wii calendar to catch cheating wife (Gamepro)

“[In Nov.] I flip through the Wii menu and visit the Mii Channel so I can peruse the many friends that I have created with the guys that I played with in Iraq,” writes Tony in an email to GoNintendo. “As I go through the characters, I see there is a Mii that I have […]

category: Gaming, Popular Culture, Rhetoric and Poetics, Technology