Archive for February, 2007

Rejection [The Ohio State University] (Discourse Chronicle)

Your credentials and application for admission to the English program for Autumn Quarter 2007 have been given careful consideration by the Graduate Studies Committee. I regret to inform you that the committee did not approve your application to the Graduate School. [Three schools left: Iowa State, Purdue, and Bowling Green. OSU is one of my […]

category: Life, Rejections    

Rejection [Texas A&M University] (Discourse Chronicle)

Thank you for applying for Graduate Studies in English. We had an unusually large and qualified applicant pool this year, and our admissions committee thoroughly reviewed each application. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application for admission has been denied. [Four schools left: The Ohio State University, Iowa State, Purdue, and […]

category: Life, Rejections    

Achilles’ Heel (Discourse Chronicle)

[According to Greek mythology, Achilles is made invulnerable at birth because his mother, Thetis, dipped him into the River Styx except for his heel. As a result, Achilles became a great warrior who fought for the Greeks during the Trojan War depicted in Homer’s Iliad. Achilles dies during the war when Paris shoots his heel […]

category: Life