Archive for Rejections

Rejection [IJOCA] (Discourse Chronicle)

Dear Bobby,
On behalf of both THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMIC ART and the “Ever-Ending Battle” Symposium, I would like to thank you for your submission of “Christ, Anti-Christ, or Super-Hero: Green Lantern Through the Looking Glass”. However, due to a combination of space, thematic, and content limitations, I’m sorry to say that your piece will not be included in the final package [to the] Editor of IJOCA. Nevertheless, please stick with your work, continue to submit to IJOCA, and accept my best wishes.

category: Life, Rejections    

Rejection [Glasscock Center] (Discourse Chronicle)

Dear Bobby,
On behalf of the Conference Planning Committee, I am sorry to inform you that we were unable to include your proposal in our conference “A Thousand Words: Visual Culture and the Humanities.”

We received a large number of excellent proposals, and the committee had to make many difficult decisions.

We regret that your proposal is not among those selected, but we thank you for your interest in the conference and hope that we may have another occasion in the future to include you in the activities of the Glasscock Center for Humanities Research.

[I submitted my article, “Superman’s America: Audience, Reception, and President Lex” to this conference, being held on my campus in the spring for presentation. All is not lost, though. The article is going with me to this year’s Popular Culture Association national conference in Atlanta, GA.

A week after I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, I received a letter from two professors at Hofstra University, asking me to contribute an article for an anthology about art and mimesis. I submitted an abstract and received a rejection email from them last week.

Now I know how academic rejection feels, which is completely different from personal rejection, a common occurrence for me when it comes to the opposite sex. However, I must say that I am not discouraged by academic rejection and will seek future opportunities from the Glasscock Center, along with other avenues for grant and presentation purposes. BK]

category: Life, Rejections    

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