BGSU Firelands Recognition Program Honors Students
April 18, 2017 | Leave a Comment
BGSU Firelands Recognition Program Honors Students
Huron, Ohio – The 48 Annual Recognition Program at Bowling Green State University Firelands College was held on Friday, April 14 in the Cedar Point Center. The following awards were presented to students:
BGSU Firelands Society of the Flame Award
The Society of the Flame is an honorary society in which students are inducted on the basis of academic achievement (3.25 GPA or above with a minimum of 40 semester hours), participation in a variety of campus programs or organizations, and a general display of leadership on the campus.
The following students received the Society of the Flame Award:
Beth Beck Huron
Patrick Walker Castalia
BGSU Firelands Window to the Future Award
Each year BGSU Firelands recognizes those students who have provided outstanding continuous service (more than one year) to the College. Criteria includes academic achievement (at least a 2.0 GPA with a minimum of 40 semester hours) and demonstrated contributions in multiple experiences at BGSU Firelands, rather than a singular experience or student organization. The following students received the Windows to the Future Award:
Bethany Evans Vermilion
William Sberna Bellevue
BGSU Firelands Building Blocks to the Future Award
Each year BGSU Firelands recognizes those students who, during a one-year period, have provided outstanding service to the College. Criteria includes academic achievement (at least a 2.0 GPA with a minimum of 20 semester hours) and demonstrated contributions in multiple experiences at BGSU Firelands, rather than a singular experience or student organization. The following students received the Building Blocks to the Future Award:
Melanie Reineck Monroeville
Eric Robertson Sandusky
Student Government Appreciation Award
The following were identified and honored for their activities and accomplishments as members of the 2016-2017 BGSU Firelands Student Government:
Bethany Evans President/Treasurer Vermilion
Melanie Reineck Vice President/Secretary Monroeville
Christopher Scherz Student Activities Chairperson Sandusky
BGSU Firelands Outstanding Visual Communications Technology Award
Presented annually to an individual student who has demonstrated academic excellence, outstanding technical skills, and enthusiasm for visual communications in a bachelor’s degree program. The recipient of the Outstanding Visual Communication Award is:
Chad Butler Strongsville
BGSU Firelands Outstanding Visual Media Technology Award
Presented annually to an individual student who has demonstrated academic excellence, outstanding technical skills, and enthusiasm for visual communications in an associate degree program. The recipient of the Outstanding Visual Media Technology Award is:
Jack Stone Port Clinton
Dean’s University Scholarship
The Dean’s University Scholarship was Established in 1998, and made possible through a generous contribution from the Frost-Parker Foundation and a matching gift from the BGSU Alumni Association. The Award is presented to an outstanding BGSU Firelands junior who will transition to the BG campus in the fall. The recipient of the Dean’s University Scholarship is:
Kimble Arnold Monroeville
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