Huron, Ohio – Three faculty members were recently awarded at the 43nd annual Bowling Green State University Firelands College Recognition Program held Friday, April 27, in the Cedar Point Center. Chris Mruk, Sandusky, received the Distinguished Creative Scholar Award; Rod Roark, Norwalk, received the Dean’s Special Recognition Award; and Sylvia Hermo-Fedro, Avon Lake, received the Links to Progress Award.
Mruk, a professor of psychology, has been with BGSU Firelands since 1984. He has authored two books and has been a member of BGSU’s graduate faculty since 2002. He also has teaching experience at St. Lawrence Hospital, Lansing, Mich. His professional experience includes more than 40 years working with medical institutions including Firelands Community Hospital, Vocational Rehabilitation Center of Pittsburgh, St. Francis College, Loretto, Penn., Mon Valley Community Mental Health Center, Monessen, Penn., and others. Mruk earned a doctorate degree in clinical psychology from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Penn.
“He has provided, thorough knowledge, genuine stimulation, and critical thinking experiences to those who have encountered him as an educator,” said Mruk’s nominator. “He taught one of BGSU’s first completely online courses in 1997 and continues to offer a variety of courses on-line. He also published software lessons on abnormal psychology. Dr. Mruk uses Blackboard extensively for his classes, where he includes his syllabus and lecture outlines for every class and assignment.”
The Distinguished Creative Scholar Award may be given annually to any full-time BGSU Firelands faculty member (in his/her third year or beyond) for outstanding scholarly or creative accomplishments during the previous three years. For purposes of this award, scholarship is defined in the broadest of terms to include scholarship of discovery, integration, application, or teaching.
Rod Roark, senior lecturer and director of the Respiratory Care Program, has been with BGSU Firelands since 1995. He also taught at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Texarkana Campus, Loma Linda University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and Chattanooga State Technical Community College, Chattanooga, Tennessee. He has extensive professional experience at over 10 hospitals as a staff and senior respiratory therapist. He earned his master’s degree in interdisciplinary studies from Texas A & M University-Texarkana.
Roark’s nominator said, “Rod has been instrumental in growing the program over the past 10 years and increasing the number of students at the LCCC satellite program. Under Rod’s leadership, the program is recognized as superior in the community. Local health care providers hire graduates of the program and indicate that they are highly satisfied with these graduates.”
The Dean’s Special Recognition Award may be given annually to individual faculty members, administrators, classified staff, or members of collaborative teams who have made exceptionally meritorious contributions in support of the mission of BGSU Firelands. Awards may be used to recognize career achievements as well as recent accomplishments.
Sylvia Hermo-Fedro, lecturer and director of the radiologic technology program, has been with BGSU Firelands since 2005. She also has nearly 30 years of professional experience with the EMH/Regional Healthcare Systems and Amherst Hospital. She earned a master’s degree in business administration from Tiffin University.
“Slyvia is an asset to BGSU Firelands and her work with both the radiologic technology program and the diagnostic medical sonography program has contributed to the growth of the College,” said her nominator. “I feel she has proved to be a vital link in the progress of the College.”
The Links to Progress Award is presented to the person or organization of the campus community that has been a significant link in the chain of growth of BGSU Firelands. This person or organization must have been instrumental in linking the college to the broader human community.
For additional information or photos, contact Dean Schnurr, director of marketing and community relations, at 419.372.0613 or via e-mail at dschnur@bgsu.edu
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