Bowling Green State University Named Ohio Center of Excellence
September 30, 2011 | Leave a Comment
COLUMBUS, OH – Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor Jim Petro today announced an Ohio Center of Excellence in the category of Cultural and Societal Transformation, the Center of Excellence in Developing Effective Businesses and Organizations at Bowling Green State University.
This Center of Excellence concentrates on the human side of organizational performance. Nationally ranked programs in industrial-organizational psychology, supply-chain management, and organizational development form the core of this Center of Excellence.
Developing Effective Businesses and Organizations focuses on applying behavioral science research and techniques to systematically identify barriers to effectiveness at the individual, team, and organization levels and implement sustainable changes to increase organizational success and ultimately economic development of the region and state.
“Bowling Green’s Developing Effective Businesses and Organizations Center of Excellence is to be commended for working to develop business leaders,” Chancellor Jim Petro said. “Serving working professionals, partnering with businesses and government and sharing information that will help improve the efficiency and competitiveness of Ohio’s businesses and organizations is why this program was chosen as a Center for Excellence.”
The Center’s faculty and students will assist Ohio’s economy by working with Ohio-based organizations to help improve operations. These efforts have included resolving a supply chain issue that is constraining company growth, diagnosing high-levels of employee turnover, developing business plans for start-up companies, and analyzing customer data sets to develop new services.
In addition, the center will highlight innovative and best practices for organizational effectiveness through a variety of events and workshops. This center will continue to provide the state’s employers with a steady stream of talented graduates who are prepared to make immediate contributions.
About the Centers of Excellence
Ohio’s Centers of Excellence position the University System of Ohio to be a magnet for talent and a leader in innovation and entrepreneurial activity. The Centers will accomplish this by developing distinct missions for each institution that are recognized by students, faculty and business leaders, while eliminating unnecessary competition for resources, students and faculty within the state.
The first five Centers of Excellence designations are specific to Ohio’s growth industries – Advanced Energy, Biomedicine and Health Care, Agriculture, Food Production and Bioproducts, Enabling Technologies: Advanced Materials and Sensors, and Advanced Transportation & Aerospace.
For more information, see:
Ohio’s Centers of Excellence: http://www.ohiohighered.org/coe
About the Board of Regents
The Ohio Board of Regents is the state agency that coordinates higher education in Ohio. The agency is directed by its Chancellor, who is a member of the Governor of Ohio’s cabinet. The Chancellor, with the advice of the nine-member Board of Regents, provides policy guidance to the Governor and the Ohio General Assembly, advocates for the University System of Ohio and carries out state higher education policy.