Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Final Post

  As the semester comes to an end, I think the blog assignment seemed to help with the topics covered in class.  They especially help when studying for exams because the material we write on the blogs works as a sort of study guide to help remind the things we talked about in class.  Also, […]

Response #9

  Counseling interviews were the subject of discussion the past week.  We learned active listening is the most essential aspect for the counselor.  They must b e non-jugdemental and empathetic.  Counselors must also offer advise and give suggestions rather than making decisions for the person being counseled.  It is critical for the counselor to build […]

Response #8

  This past week we discussed the persuasive interview.  The goal of a persuasive interview is to influence attitudes, values and beliefs of a person.  The most common way rhetors persuade their audience is through the use of ethos, pathos, and logos.  Ethos is when a person is persuasive based on their authority and/or character.  […]

Resonse #7

  We recently discussed different types of interviews and what they entail.  Although we should already know most of the things we covered for the Employment Interview, I did learn a few new things.  For a resume, I learned there are different formats.  I knew the chronological order was the only format to use for […]

Response #6

Chapter six involves aspects of survey interviews.  Since being in college, I have been exposed to a number of surveys – some better than others.  The thing I found most interesting or useful from our discussion was the questions scales.  I think it is important to choose the right question scale(s) when compiling questions for […]

Response #5

This past week one of the topics we discussed was the advantages and disadvantages of note-taking and recording.  This is a relevant topic for interviewing because it is important to know which strategy is best to use.  I have done both note-taking and recording during interviews.  I feel note-taking is good when one is trying to […]

Response #4

  We learned about question sequences during class this past week.  I thought the amount of sequences were interesting because there were so many.  I also think it is difficult, at times, to distinguish between the different sequences because some of them are so similar.  For example, it was hard to label the case study […]

Response #3

This week we covered different types of interviews and what they entail.  For our assignment, I was kind of confused to what the interview guide was composed of.  It made much more sense after we covered it in class.  The interview guides are a way of organizing topics and subtopics to be covered in the […]

Response #1

So far, I think that the videos that we have watched are all very interesting and relevant to the class discussions.  The interview with Elizabeth Smart was the most interesting to me because of the way Nancy Grace conducted the interview.  It was obvious that Elizabeth was not comfortable and did not want to discuss […]

IPC 209

My name is Broc Bauer.  I am from Milan, OH near Sandusky (Cedar Point).  I am an IPC major, after switching for the third time.  Something that is kind of interesting is that I used to race motocross since I was six years old.  I have not ridin much in college because of lack of […]

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