Response #2

I thought this past weeks discussion were interesting regarding interviews.  I did not know there were so many pitfalls and types of probing until we covered them in class.  I think that some interview questions have many different pitfalls that are hard to categorize into one area.  When I have done interviews in the past I think the biggest pitfall that I have is asking double-barreled inquisitions.  After we went over them in class I thought back to interviews I have done and realized that I may have asked a couple questions within one question and not received the response I was looking for.  Also going over the types of pitfalls and probing questions has helped me with one of my English classes because we are currently interviewing a person that has contributed to the Bowling Green community.  Going over these in class will definitely help in the near future.

One thought on “Response #2

  1. Excellent thoughts Broc !
    good reflection over your past experiences !
    Glad to know that what we went over in class was useful!

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