Resonse #7

  We recently discussed different types of interviews and what they entail.  Although we should already know most of the things we covered for the Employment Interview, I did learn a few new things.  For a resume, I learned there are different formats.  I knew the chronological order was the only format to use for resumes which lists experiences in reverse, chronological order.  I did not know for some resumes one should utilize a functional format which places experiences under headings that highlight your qualifications. 

  As far as the performance interview, I thought out of all the different models, the 360 degree approach was most unique and possibly most efficient.  Since the approach involves multiple observers, it allows the person being reviewed another set of eyes and ears to explain their performance.  Mostly it takes the pressure off of dealing with one-on-one reviews which could make some people very nervous.  If one person in the group does not understand something, another may be able to explain the situation more clear.

One thought on “Resonse #7

  1. excellent thoughts Broc!

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