Response #6

Chapter six involves aspects of survey interviews.  Since being in college, I have been exposed to a number of surveys – some better than others.  The thing I found most interesting or useful from our discussion was the questions scales.  I think it is important to choose the right question scale(s) when compiling questions for surveys.  Some surveys are long and tedious when questions are open ended which can bore responders.  It is much easier to give responders curtain answers to choose from because it takes less time and it is also easier to keep track of the answers given.  We learned to try and keep all the personal information at the beginning of the survey while also making sure to thank the person for their time at the end.  Personally, I enjoy surveys that use frequency or ordinal scales best because it is easier for me to decide on curtain answers.  Depending on the type of question, I dislike interval scales most because sometimes it is hard to put a number on what one feels.  We also learned it is vital to make sure the results are taken from random sampling because they could end up being skewed making the results pointless.

One thought on “Response #6

  1. excellent

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