Response #3

This week we covered different types of interviews and what they entail.  For our assignment, I was kind of confused to what the interview guide was composed of.  It made much more sense after we covered it in class.  The interview guides are a way of organizing topics and subtopics to be covered in the interview.  We also discussed the different ways interviews are schedules whether it be non-, moderately-, highly-, or highly and standardized-scheduled interviews.  This week I have an interview set up for another class.  I will be using moderately scheduled interviewing.  I have all the major questions I want to ask written down but also have some possible probing questions available to further discussion if needed.  This is the best way for me because I want the interview to last about 30 minutes.  By having major questions ready along with possible probing questions, I should be able to control the length and quality of the interview.

One thought on “Response #3

  1. good thoughts Broc ! Glad to know that you are are able to apply what you learned for other courses

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