Archive for February, 2009

Response #5

This past week one of the topics we discussed was the advantages and disadvantages of note-taking and recording.  This is a relevant topic for interviewing because it is important to know which strategy is best to use.  I have done both note-taking and recording during interviews.  I feel note-taking is good when one is trying to […]

Response #4

  We learned about question sequences during class this past week.  I thought the amount of sequences were interesting because there were so many.  I also think it is difficult, at times, to distinguish between the different sequences because some of them are so similar.  For example, it was hard to label the case study […]

Response #3

This week we covered different types of interviews and what they entail.  For our assignment, I was kind of confused to what the interview guide was composed of.  It made much more sense after we covered it in class.  The interview guides are a way of organizing topics and subtopics to be covered in the […]

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