Response #1

So far, I think that the videos that we have watched are all very interesting and relevant to the class discussions.  The interview with Elizabeth Smart was the most interesting to me because of the way Nancy Grace conducted the interview.  It was obvious that Elizabeth was not comfortable and did not want to discuss the time in which she was kidnapped.  She stated numerous times that she was there to talk about the new law(s) that were trying to be passed but Nancy disregarded what Elizabeth was saying.  These types of interviews can be difficult for both the interviewer and the interviewee because one was probing for answers and the other was not willing to share information.  When conducting interviews, both should be completely informed of the types of questions taking place.  If both are prepared, than the interviewer would be less likely to offend the interviewee and the interviewee would be more willing to share information.

One thought on “Response #1

  1. good thoughts Broc !

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