Critiquing Contemporary Artists (Week Five)

Next week my class and I will be presenting our own contemporary artists to each other along with the second life public at an art show this tuesday. I have decided to interview my very good friend, Jeremy Miller. We have been friends since we were about 14 and have always had a close relationship. After high school, Jeremy was accepted into the Cleveland Institute of Art to persue a degree in medical illustrating. Since then he has been working diligently to finish school while also interning at the Cleveland Clinic. I have decided to dedicate this blog post to critique his piece of artwork I will be presenting to the class next tuesday.

The artwork shown above is Jeremy Millers “Cicada” artwork. It was made with carbon dusting, one of his favorite mediums to use. As you can see, the piece has amazing detail, which I think adds the “WOW” factor to the piece. To me, It’s quite unbelievable how well he can spot and create detail into the carbon dusting. Because of such strong detail in the artwork, it gives a visual texture to the piece.

The entire piece has a symmetrical balance and is completely balanced and centered, which I really like about the piece. The balance gives off a simple, yet interesting look. The cicadas wingspan is also very large, taking up the majority of the paper. It’s balance and symmetry create a great piece of work.

Overall, It’s an amazing and detailed piece of work. The bug is definitely a creepy bug that I would not like to have anywhere near me and the black and white shades create even more creepiness to me. As I mentioned before, its so simple, yet so detailed.

I can only hope Jeremy continues to love what he does and to be successful in all his artwork. Thank you, Jeremy, for giving me the opportunity to interview you and show your artwork to the viewers of my BGSU blog!

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