Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

Strengh & Weakness In Rhetorical Analysis

Spend the first 10 minutes of class or so reflecting on what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of your rhetorical analysis.

       I think that my essay was pretty good, but, as always, I’m sure there was room for improvement.  I think that I may have been too close to the material I was writing about.  I feel like I may have gotten into the emotional aspect of it just a little too much.  Personal experiences tend to do that to what you’re writing.  I think that I evaluated the PSA well.  It was pretty straight forward and I did not have to stretch to find things to write about.  I don’t think I would change much except maybe taking some of my emotion out.


On revision…What does it mean?  How do you conduct revision?

      Revision to me is making something one has written better.  As a writer you are close to the piece you are writing and know what you want to say and how it should sound.  However, when writing it is easy to overlook errors for these reasons.  It is very helpful to have a ‘second pair of eyes’ look at your writing to minimize or even eliminate these overlooked errors. 

      The way I revise is to first do is to correct my errors the best I can on my own.  After I think the piece sounds and looks pretty good I ask someone to look at it also.  After I get feedback I look at and correct what I think needs done.  After this I may have someone else look at the piece as a double check.

Rhetorical Analysis Feedback

Think back to peer review on Wednesday and write a reflection about the feedback you received from your peers.  Write about  how you are or how you will use that feedback to revise your essay.  Conclude your blog by making a list of three specific things you will complete in class today as you work to revise your essay.

      I got some good feedback from my peer.  There are some things I need and acknowledge I needed to work on because going into the review I knew what needed done and I made a list for myself.  His review seemed to coincide with the list I made so it’s reassuring me that I am hopefully on the right track.  The only thing I am still having trouble with is the image that is required.  In class I want to put my works cited page together, clean up my thesis statement, and fill in some gaps that were pointed out to me in review.

Rhetorical Analysis Problems

      I am having trouble getting a good thesis statement finalized.  I have most of my analysis done, but I want to finish it up by being able to tie it into a good thesis.  I want to argue that I like this PSA and think that it is effective, but I can’t seem to get it to an effective thesis statement that will allow me to complete and finalize my analysis.

      I also have no idea what to use for the required image, and is that in addition to the 3-5 pages or is it included?

PSA Citation

“Ovarian Cancer – Three “Women” Stand Up for Ovarian Cancer.”  13 December 2007.  You Tube.  Video.  10 February 2009 <>.


In text: (“Ovarian Cancer”)


For the citation that will go on my works cited page there is a hanging indent, but the formating is off when I copy it into the blog.

Rhetorical Analysis Criteria

I think that the Rhetorical analysis should be graded on the following:

          Creativity, relevance to the PSA, have the opinions of the author that are related to the subject, keep the reader’s attention, makes the reader want to finish reading, create awareness, author has to know what they are talking about, use rhetorical appeals, have a clear audience, make the piece relatable/readable for the audience, have a good introduction (we need to know what the piece is going to be about and some background information), have a clear purpose, specific examples, summary of PSA, and have have a clear thesis.

Rhitorical Analysis PSA

I want to use this PSA because it affects a six year old going through Ovarian cancer and this is enough for anyone to stop and listen. I have personal experience with the issue and feel that it is something that is not often heard of or addressed. I feel passionatly about the issue and feel like I have a lot to say about it.

Rhetorical Analysis Introductions

      Both introductions tell us the topic and purpose of the analysis.  The introduction sets the tone for the analysis and what is to follow in the rest of the piece.  It use defines the audience and provides some credentials of the writer to the topic.  When introducing their topic, both authors used specific evidence straight from the original piece. 

      Overall, I think and introduction to a rhetorical analysis should include the purpose for writing the analysis, facts, and a thesis.  It should describe the topic or issue, introduce and writer and some background on them or why the wrote on the subject.  It should identify an audience and be able to identify a tone or style.


   The experiences I have had with portfolios were in my ENG 111 and 112 classes.  My 111 instructor was a grad student and didn’t know what in the world she was doing.  No one passed a paper in either first turn in or rewrite until the the final turn in of the third paper.  To me this was a little ridiculous because even after going to her office hours and fixing what she suggested she still failed us.  My 112 experience was much better and went without any problems.  I think this was in part because it was letter grade based and not pass/fail.

PSA Project VS. Literacy

      For this project many literacies were used.  I had to write, draw, type, and use PowerPoint on the computer.  It let me examine the ways other people may learn and be a little more sensitive to the fact that everyone learns a little differently and they will also have different literacies.  This is especially present in the generation gaps and technology as our group has learnt doing this project.