Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

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Final Blog

      Today is out final blog.  Spend some time reflecting on the blogs throughout the semester.  Do you think they were a useful writing space? Would you like to use them in other classes in the future? Would you like to use them more personally? How have they helped you see writing differently?        I […]

5 Questions

1.  Is the layout OK? 2.  What info is missing? 3.  Objective specific enough? 4.  How many work experiences should I provide since it’s online? 5.  Should I use the ‘summary’ option in place of my cover letter?

The Values of the Final Project

Your final project in this class asks you to either re-see or re-imagine a particular literacy/skill or you re-see the presentation of your resume. Aside from fulfilling an assignment, what value do see in such an activity? In other words, if you’re focusing on exploring re-seeing your literacy, why do you think there is value […]

Option 3 Focus

1. Are you going to use the resume that you created for class or a modified version?  Why?  (remember, if you wrote your resume as though you had completed your course-work at BGSU you must change your resume)   I am going to use the resume I updated for class because it is current and […]

Literacy So Far

We have spent a lot of time this semester talking about literacy and learning how this concept is much more complicated than we may have initially thought.  Spend some time today reflecting about how your view of literacy is and has changed in this class.        I think, for me, the thing that has change my […]

Look Of Portfolio

1.   I want to include an overview of the assignment, the strengths of the assignment, what I learnt with the assignment, and why we did the assignment. 2.   First I want the reader to see the overview of the assignment because without it they will not know what the assignment is about and my work won’t have […]

Resume Feedback

After reading through the feedback provided from peer review and after reading some of your classmate’s resumes and cover letters, what specific steps are you going to make towards revision?  Consider both the direct feedback you received and also the feedback that you gave your classmates.  In revision I need to add more of my […]

Resume Problems

Before you leave class today: As a new blog post, reflect on the problems you are having with the resume or the cover letter.  What, specifically, do you still need to do? How are you going to accomplish that? I think the only thing I’m having trouble doing is making sure everything is included.  There […]

Job Ad Analysis

Look at your job ad.  What seems important to the ad? Why is it important? How do you meet or how will you address those important issues?           The things that seem important in the ad to me are the criteria/qualifications section, application due date, job title, location of the job, and directions for […]


Tell me what your understanding of resumes are, based only on your experiences.  What should they include? What is their goal? How do you write one? Where have you talked about them before? etc.        The purpose of a resume is to tell potential employers what your experiences are and what extra curricular activities you […]