Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

PSA Ideas

Grandparents and cell phones or computers.

  1. Message: How technology literate are you?
  2. Audience: Senior Citizens
  3. Medium (video or audio): Video

Teens and doing research.

  1. Message: Use technology to your advantage.
  2. Audience: High Schoolers
  3. Medium (video or audio): Video

College students using Facebook too much?

  1. Message: Technology dumbing them down?
  2. Audience: College Students
  3. Medium (video or audio): Video

2 thoughts on “PSA Ideas

  1.   snye Says:  #1

    I think all of your ideas are very good. I am glad you elaborated on one of your ideas because now we are using it! I think it is really good that we are using something about helping older people use technology because it is more of something that needs to be expressed in society today. Nice job! However the teens and doing research one would have been fun to do too.

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