Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

Think Before You Post Commercial

How do the actors portray the message?  What persuasive techniques are used in the video?  What role does the voiceover play?  How is text used in the screen?

      The actors portray the message as typical teens would.  The boys in the commercial thought the girl that posted the picture was pretty and from there it seemed to spread like wildfire.  The girl who posted the picture acted as anyone would who found out that their picture was getting to people they didn’t want it to go to…fear.  The persuasive techniques uses in the video were that it was targeting the age group that is doing the act and it’s something that this age group can relate to because it is set in a high school.  The voiceover plays the role of the ‘authority’ on the situation.  It could be seen as an adult or teacher speaking to the teens.  The text is used to ‘bring the message home’ because it catches your attention with the white background with red text.

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