Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

Final Blog

      Today is out final blog.  Spend some time reflecting on the blogs throughout the semester.  Do you think they were a useful writing space? Would you like to use them in other classes in the future? Would you like to use them more personally? How have they helped you see writing differently?

       I didn’t mind the blogs but sometimes I felt like they were more ‘busy work’.  I say this because some of the blogs prompts were basically the same.  When this happened I felt like I was doing the something I already did.  I do however like to use them for the portfolio.  It saves paper and you don’t have to worry about going somewhere to hand it in.  It would depend on the class to know if I would like to use them again or not…but honestly, probably not.  I don’t think that I will use them for personal use.  I don’t always have time to blog and the people who would read it would probably be people I already know and if I want them to know something I can just call or text them.  Some of the time the prompts did help to get ideas for projects and where to go from where I was.

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