Ashley Siefker’s English 207 Blog

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Job Ad Analysis

Look at your job ad.  What seems important to the ad? Why is it important? How do you meet or how will you address those important issues?  

      The things that seem important in the ad to me are the criteria/qualifications section, application due date, job title, location of the job, and directions for applying.  Criteria/qualifications are important because if you don’t meet the job requirements you are wasting the employer’s and your time.  Application due date is important because it again would be a waste of time to turn in a late application.  Job title is important because you need to make sure the position is something you want to do.  Employer’s want people who plan on staying in the position for a while and not just for a few months because they decide they don’t like what they’re doing.  Location of the job is important because a move may be needed and if you don’t plan or want to move it’s again a waste of time.  Directions for applying are very important because if you do it wrong the employer will not look at the application or they may not even get it because of a glitch.
      Meeting and addressing these issues is not a difficult thing to do at all.  If you pay attention to simple directions things will run smoothly and hopefully an interview will come out of it.  Being conscience of time-lines and professionalism are two very important things that employer’s value therefore you should also value it. 
Then, spend a few minutes on the company’s website and answer these questions:
  • What does the company do?

      We are a family-owned distributing company in the business of marketing and delivering the highest-quality beer, wine, spirits and other beverages to more than 20,000 retail establishments throughout Ohio and Kentucky.

  • What are the desired qualifications and skills?

      Bachelors degree, must be willing to live in Findlay/Lima area, self motivated, organized, competitive, clean driving record. Prior knowledge of beer/wine industry is a plus but not required.

  • What does the company seem to value?

      Teamwork, Communication, Excellence, Integrity, Pride, Knowledge, Family, and Respect.

  • What are key words that are included on their website (or in their ad) that you should include?

      Teamwork, Communication, Excellence, Integrity, Pride, Knowledge, Family, and Respect.

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